
US Army; 1972-1976; Army Security Agency/Intelligence; Top Secret Clearance.

Bachelors Business Degree with emphasis in Computer Information Systems.

Dept of the Navy/Weapons Quality Engineering Center; 1978-2014. Started as a GS-3; retired as a GS-13 (LtCol equivalent). Evaluated ammunition for the US Marine Corps (USMC); in 1991, after Operation Desert Storm, went to Saudi Arabia as a civilian team member to evaluate all deployed USMC munitions; after the 2003 Gulf War, lead the next team to Kuwait.

The first and maybe only civilian to be awarded the Bursting Bomb award from the USMC’s Program Manager for Ammunition (not an Oscar, but a big deal in the ammunition world).

Born in San Diego, lived in Washington and Berlin, Escaped CA in 2015. Following a review of the entire US, chose to live in Dewey-Humboldt and purchased our final home 14 years ago.

Lovingly and luckily married for 22 Years to Ronnie Donovan – by far, my best half. Four successful children, eight impressive grandchildren.

With my wife, 2018 Dewey-Humboldt Volunteer of the Year.

Volunteer with Dewey-Humboldt Firewise since 2018; current Board Member.

Terrible with names and dates; hate to waste time; excellent with ideas, analysis, and action.